DIY Gifts for Home Improvement Men Under $50 Sprayglide® Pressure Washer Roller™ presents our Top 15 Home Improvement Gifts for Guys – choices for Christmas 2010 for under $50. Before we get in trouble, let’s me clarify: we know that some home DIY’s are women – and these gifts work for you too.  But for many households, finding the right Christmas gift for men is a challenge –we offer our gift countdown as a contribution for the cause!

Of course, if your guy uses a pressure washer, or wants a pressure washer, then the new pressure washer roller – Sprayglide® , it a must! 

Sprayglide® supports anyone using a pressure washer by providing stability and relief from  back and shoulder muscle stress,  while  insuring the consistency required in water pressure distance for safe and efficient deck maintenance.  (Watch the 1 minute video to see Sprayglide® at work)

Subscribe for the next 14 Days of Gifts for Home Improvement Guy 2010

Sprayglide® is not the only option for a home improvement DIY – over the next 15 days, right up to Christmas Eve, we will offer a new suggestion.  So keep reading – and Happy Holidays from Sprayglide®

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